Monthly Archives: February 2016


Unlicensed Driver Ticket in Monmouth County Downgraded to Touring Violation

N.J.S.A. 39:3-10(b) Unlicensed Driver Ticket Attorney Whether you a a recent immigrant or a long-standing "on again off again" licensed driver, being stopped and ticketed for being an Unlicensed Driver, in violation of N.J.S.A. 39:3-10, can have serious consequences. Not only are you facing upwards of sixty (60) days in county jail, but you will be assessed high fines, yearly surcharges and a minimum period of license suspension not less than six (6) months! These penalties could spell doom for those of us who need a license for work. If you or someone you know have been charged as an Unlicensed Driver, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:3-10(b), call the Traffic Ticket attorneys today. Our firm can assist you with your matter, regardless of the circumstances. Call (877) 450-8301 today and speak with a firm that has the pedigree you deserve. Mandatory Six (6) Month License Suspension Avoided in Monmouth County Recently, [...]

Unlicensed Driver Ticket in Monmouth County Downgraded to Touring Violation2016-02-26T10:40:12-05:00

Speeding Ticket for 36 Miles Over the Speed Limit Downgraded to Unsafe Operation

Speeding Ticket Attorney New Jersey The overwhelming majority majority of speeding charges in New Jersey are established via radar as opposed to the "pacing" method. In terms of the type of radar employed, most New Jersey speeding cases involve the K-55 radar. Provided the radar is properly set up, has been tested for accuracy and is functioning correctly, the related readings are admissible to establish a violation (i.e. prove unlawful speed in relation to the posted limit). Secondary radar devices used in the state include the Mark VI and LTI Marksman Laser. If you were pulled over on a NJ highway or roadway, it is likely that radar was employed by the officer. You need to inform yourself of these types of radar equipment and there proofs if you hope to be able to defend against your Speeding ticket, under N.J.S.A. 39:4-98. Contact the Traffic Ticket Attorneys of New Jersey at (877) 450-8301. With [...]

Speeding Ticket for 36 Miles Over the Speed Limit Downgraded to Unsafe Operation2016-02-10T15:35:13-05:00

Driving While Suspended Ticket Dismissed in Bergen County New Jersey

Suspended License Ticket NJ Were you late to pay a surcharge to New Jersey DMV? Did you miss a court date or fail to pay a parking ticket? In arrears on child support payments? Suspended for a DWI? These are just a few of the most common reasons for one's license to be administratively suspended or suspended due to a court order. For those of us who depend on our license and our ability to drive for work, the thought of not driving for a prolonged period of time is simply unconscionable. Whether you were aware that you were suspended or not, it is imperative that you understand how Driving with a Suspended License, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:3-40, can adversely affect your livelihood.  Penalties for driving on a suspended license include, up to an additional six (6) month suspension, over $1,000 in fines and surcharges, up to 90 days in jail [...]

Driving While Suspended Ticket Dismissed in Bergen County New Jersey2016-02-05T11:13:28-05:00