Monthly Archives: October 2015


Driving While Suspended Ticket Dismissed in Hudson County

N.J.S.A. 39:3-40 Traffic Violation Dismissed at Trial Driving While Suspended Tickets in New Jersey carry the possibility of Jail and the Suspension of your driving privileges (this in addition to the thousands of dollars in fines and Motor Vehicle Commission Surcharges). Moreover, if you are involved in an accident while operating your motor vehicle under a suspended license, you could be facing up to six (6) months in County Jail. Suffice to say, these traffic tickets should not be taken lightly. Prosecutors and Judges across New Jersey are cracking down on Drivers caught with a suspended license in an attempt to curb this type of conduct. No longer are they making exceptions for those of us driving to keep our jobs or those who are forced to drive because of an emergency. You are well-advised to consult with an attorney regarding your traffic matter and inform yourself of how you [...]

Driving While Suspended Ticket Dismissed in Hudson County2015-10-27T10:52:06-04:00

N.J.S.A. 39:3-37.1(b) Allowing Unlicensed Person to Drive Ticket Dismissed

NJ Traffic Ticket Attorney New Traffic Tickets are issued nearly every minute throughout the State of New Jersey. If you fall victim to one of these traffic violations, take some solace in knowing that you are just one of many. If you were ticketed for Speeding, Driving While Suspended, Improper Passing, or Reckless Driving, the Municipal Court will likely require that you appear before the judge to either enter a plea of guilty or not guilty. Depending on the circumstances of your offense, you could be facing jail time or a suspension of your driving privileges if you plead guilty. It is in your best interest to speak with an experienced traffic ticket attorney in New Jersey before you enter any guilty pleas regarding case. For your complimentary consultation with a NJ Traffic Ticket Attorney, call (877) 450-8301. With former municipal and county prosecutors on staff, our team of trial [...]

N.J.S.A. 39:3-37.1(b) Allowing Unlicensed Person to Drive Ticket Dismissed2015-10-23T10:58:57-04:00

Careless Driving Amended to No-Point $56 Ticket

Careless driving Ticket Downgraded to Cheaper No-Point Ticket Careless Driving is that "catch-all" traffic ticket that can apply to almost any type of driving. The language of the statute is intentionally vague so that it may cover almost any situation. All that needs to happen is: 1) driving a vehicle without due caution or circumspection, and 2) a likelihood that this driving could endanger person or property. Moreover, most of this is left up to the interpretation of the officer involved as they are typically the only other party witness to the action. For these reasons, among others, drivers often contact our office to help them fight these two (2) point tickets so that they may keep their driver's abstract as clean as possible. For more information on what our firm full of former Municipal and County Prosecutors can do for you, call (877) 450-8301. With roughly 200 years of legal experience, [...]

Careless Driving Amended to No-Point $56 Ticket2015-10-20T14:39:32-04:00

Five (5) Point Reckless Driving Ticket and Accident Amended to Zero (0) Point Violation

Defendant Charged With Reckless Driving for Fault in an Accident has Ticket Significantly Reduced Often times, those individuals who are at fault in a "fender-bender" or "t-bone"type of accident will be charged with Careless Driving, under N.J.S.A. 39:4-97, or Reckless Driving, under N.J.S.A. 39:4-96. For our purposes, this blog will focus on Reckless Driving laws in New Jersey. Specifically, how our firm was able to help defend an individual charged with Reckless Driving, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:4-96, based on a rear-end accident in which he was "at-fault." Through discovery motions and judicial conferencing, I was able to obtain a negotiated plea whereby our client would avoid the five (5) point assessment for reckless driving, avoid any license suspension, obtain a civil reservation to seal the records against any civil litigation, and only pay a minimal $50 fine. Are you charged with Reckless Driving or were you at fault in a [...]

Five (5) Point Reckless Driving Ticket and Accident Amended to Zero (0) Point Violation2015-10-15T15:06:40-04:00

Four Point Traffic Tickets in New Jersey

Four (4) Point Tickets in New Jersey As most New Jersey Drivers are aware, a majority of our state's traffic violations carry the ancillary consequence/penalty known as motor vehicle points. Depending on the type of offense and the circumstances surrounding your charge, you could be facing anywhere between zero (0) and eight (8) points for any individual ticket. For the purposes of this blog, my focus will be on those New Jersey Traffic Tickets that carry four (4) points. These tickets include a variety of Improper Passing violations, Driving in an Unsafe Manner (where you have already used your prior two no point violations under this offense) and Speeding tickets (where your speed is at a rate between 15-29 miles over the posted speed limit). In addition to any fines an assessments issued by the municipal judge, you will also face insurance eligibility points which will raise your monthly premium, as [...]

Four Point Traffic Tickets in New Jersey2015-10-08T14:45:32-04:00

Suspension Avoided for Speeding at 50 Miles Per Hour Over the Limit NJSA 39:4-98

New Jersey Speeding Ticket Attorney Every now and again, whether done knowingly or unknowingly, we drive at speeds above the posted limit. A majority of the time no one is there to catch us. However, in those instances were a police officer is parked covertly in an attempt to catch drivers Speeding, anyone can be caught. When this happens, just hope that your speed was not beyond 30 or more miles over the posted limit. This is because judges have more recently taken the initiative to suspend driver who are caught at such high rates of speed. If you or someone you love have been charged with Speeding in New Jersey, contact the Speeding Ticket Traffic Attorneys at (877) 450-8301. With former Municipal and County Prosecutors on Staff, we have the experience and insight in how to properly challenge the State's case and help you avoid heavy fines, points and [...]

Suspension Avoided for Speeding at 50 Miles Per Hour Over the Limit NJSA 39:4-982015-10-02T16:09:11-04:00