Bergen County Traffic Ticket Attorneys NJ
Were you involved in a car accident? Were you aware or was the damage so slight and minor that you didn’t even realize what happened? Regardless, if a bystander saw what happened, you could be facing serious charges for leaving the scene of an accident, in violation of 39:4-129, and failure to report an accident, in violation of 39:4-130. If convicted, these charges carry loss of license, heavy fines and serious insurance surcharge repercussions. Moreover, if there was an injury involved, your charges may be elevated to Assault by Auto and carry jail time.
If you or someone you know were charged with Leaving the Scene of an Accident, under 39:4-129, call the New Jersey Traffic Attorneys at (877) 450-8301.
Leaving the Scene of an Accident Ticket 39:4-129 Dismissed at Trial
A recent client was facing charges for Leaving the Scene of an Accident, in violation of 39:4-129, Failure to Report and Accident, in violation of 39:4-130, and Careless Driving, in violation of 39:4-97. The original incident involved an alleged four (4) car accident where witnesses and police reported that my client was the driver who caused this major accident. Because there was personal injury involved, my client was facing over $5,000 in potential fines, up to 180 days in jail and a mandatory one year loss of license. Through motion practice and trial techniques, I was able to obtain an outright dismissal of my client’s charges. Furthermore, my client was an out-of-state driver who never even had to make an appearance in the court!
West New York Traffic Lawyer
If you were ticketed for a traffic violation in Bergen County, such as leaving the scene of an accident, call (877) 450-8301. Our team of trial attorneys and former prosecutors are here to represent your interests.