Speeding Ticket for 36 Miles Over the Speed Limit Downgraded to Unsafe Operation
Speeding Ticket Attorney New Jersey The overwhelming majority majority of speeding charges in New Jersey are established via radar as opposed to the "pacing" method. In terms of the type of radar employed, most New Jersey speeding cases involve the K-55 radar. Provided the radar is properly set up, has been tested for accuracy and is functioning correctly, [...]
Driving While Suspended Ticket Dismissed in Bergen County New Jersey
Suspended License Ticket NJ Were you late to pay a surcharge to New Jersey DMV? Did you miss a court date or fail to pay a parking ticket? In arrears on child support payments? Suspended for a DWI? These are just a few of the most common reasons for one's license to be administratively suspended [...]
Leaving The Scene of an Accident and Failure to Report Accident Tickets Dismissed for Out-of-State Driver in Bergen County
Bergen County Traffic Ticket Attorneys NJ Were you involved in a car accident? Were you aware or was the damage so slight and minor that you didn't even realize what happened? Regardless, if a bystander saw what happened, you could be facing serious charges for leaving the scene of an accident, in violation of 39:4-129, [...]
Marijuana in a Motor Vehicle Charge Dismissed N.J.S.A. 39:4-49.1
Charge for Possessing Marijuana Possession in a Car Were you pulled over for some minor traffic offense such as Obstructed View, in violation of N.J.S.A. 39:3-74, or Careless Driving, in violation of N.J.S.A. 39:4-97 and later found to be in possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance like Marijuana, Heroin, or Cocaine? Did the cops search [...]
8 Points in Traffic Tickets Dismissed in Lieu of No-Point Traffic Ticket
Mercer County Traffic Ticket Attorney With Some of New Jersey's Biggest roadways running through it, Mercer County is a hub for motor vehicle traffic. Roads like 295, 195, I-95, Route 1 and Route 206, It is no surprise that Local Police and New Jersey State Troopers are handing out Speeding Tickets, under N.J.S.A. 39:4-98, and [...]
Speeding Ticket Dismissed at Trial
Speeding Ticket N.J.S.A. 39:4-98 Attorney NJ Speeding tickets, under N.J.S.A. 39:4-98, are some of the most common traffic violations in New Jersey. This is partially do to the "traps" police set up to catch motorists exceeding the speed limit. These officers generally use radar guns to clock your speed. These radar guns must be tested and tuned [...]