Monthly Archives: May 2015

4 Point Speeding Ticket Reduced to No Points

NJ Traffic Ticket Attorney Most New Jersey drivers, at least at one point during their lives, have been pulled over for Speeding, in violation of N.J.S.A. 39:4-98. Depending on your speed and the location of the offense (construction zone, school zone, etc.) these charges can carry significant fines, up to a five (5) points assessment by New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, plus any other hikes in your insurance premiums based on your providers practices. Moreover, depending on your driving record, these points, ranging from two (2) to five (5) based on your speed, may push you over the threshold for yearly DMV surcharges and/or an administrative suspension. With all of the ancillary repercussions, it is in your best interest to seek out consultation with an experienced New Jersey Traffic Attorney on the law. This consultation may provide your with the best tactics and strategies applicable to defend against your Speeding ticket. The [...]

4 Point Speeding Ticket Reduced to No Points2015-05-29T11:16:18-04:00

Third Cell Phone Ticket Amended to Delaying Traffic

Cell Phone Ticket License Suspension Since July 1, 2014, clients have been calling to obtain the services of my office for their cell phone violations. The reason why is because on July 1, 2014, the New Jersey Legislature amended the "hand-held portable electronic device" (i.e. cell phone) traffic violation. Specifically, they altered the punishments for such an offense by increasing the fines for second and third offenders, three (3) points on your drivers license for a third or subsequent offense, as well as implementing a license suspension for those individuals who have three of more cell phone ticket offenses. This often comes as a surprise to many residents since, in the past, officers, prosecutors and judges have openly accepted these pleas without advice on enhancing penalties since none existed before 2014. Many individuals find it unfair (and rightfully so) that they are now facing a loss of license when no [...]

Third Cell Phone Ticket Amended to Delaying Traffic2015-05-11T14:42:50-04:00

Careless Driving Motor Vehicle Points Avoided

New Jersey Traffic Ticket Attorneys One of the most commonly issued traffic tickets in New Jersey is Careless Driving, under N.J.S.A. 39:4-97. While the court fine itself is relatively minimal, the two Motor Vehicle Commission imposed points associated with this charge, can have lasting and damaging repercussions. Depending on your driving record, these two points may push you over the threshold for yearly DMV surcharges or an administrative suspension. Not to mention your car insurance rates may hike if your provider considers your careless driving as an indication of a "high-risk" driver. Considering all of these ancillary exposures you may be facing, it is imperative that you familiarize yourself not only with the law, but with the tactics and strategies utilized by skilled criminal and traffic attorneys. Do not let your desire to "get the tickets over with" cloud your judgment as such a guilty plea could come back to [...]

Careless Driving Motor Vehicle Points Avoided2015-05-08T13:18:59-04:00

5-Point Reckless Driving Ticket Reduced to 0-Points

Reckless Driving Ticket NJ New Jersey, like any other state, has a variety of statutes that prohibit certain types of unsafe driving. One of the most serious of these is Reckless Driving. A Reckless Driving offense carries up to sixty (60) days in jail, a $200 fine, ninety (90) day loss of license, and a Motor Vehicle Commission imposed 5 points on your license. Altogether these penalties seem severe, as the should.  However, you also face additional financial obligations as your insurance carrier will likely increase your monthly premium or, depending on you record, drop you from the insurance policy altogether. The best way to avoid these penalties and hardships would be to consult with an attorney about how you can avoid the pitfalls of a Reckless Driving charge. The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall is a full-service criminal and traffic defense law firm. We offer our clients the [...]

5-Point Reckless Driving Ticket Reduced to 0-Points2015-05-01T16:17:55-04:00