Traffic Attorney

Driving Without Insurance and Driving While Suspended Ticket Dismissed

NJ Driving Without Insurance Ticket N.J.S.A. 39:6B-2 Forgetting to pay your insurance can have serious repercussions. Not only will you be driving around without insurance (and face serious civil liabilities if you are in an accident), but New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission will suspend your Driver's License. If you are subsequently caught operating a motor vehicle, you will be subject to heavy monetary fines, surcharges, mandatory additional license suspension, and, in some cases, mandatory incarceration. If you or someone you love have been stopped and ticketed for Driving Without Insurance, under N.J.S.A. 39:6B-2, or Driving While Suspended, under N.J.S.A. 39:3-40, contact an experienced traffic attorney at (877) 450-8301. Our team of former New Jersey prosecutors are well-equipped to resolve your traffic violation in the most beneficial way possible on your behalf. Our firm may be reached 24/7 for your convenience. Driving Without Insurance and Driving While Suspended Ticket Dismissed Recently, I [...]

Driving Without Insurance and Driving While Suspended Ticket Dismissed2015-09-09T13:06:38-04:00

4 Point Speeding Ticket Reduced to No Points

NJ Traffic Ticket Attorney Most New Jersey drivers, at least at one point during their lives, have been pulled over for Speeding, in violation of N.J.S.A. 39:4-98. Depending on your speed and the location of the offense (construction zone, school zone, etc.) these charges can carry significant fines, up to a five (5) points assessment by New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, plus any other hikes in your insurance premiums based on your providers practices. Moreover, depending on your driving record, these points, ranging from two (2) to five (5) based on your speed, may push you over the threshold for yearly DMV surcharges and/or an administrative suspension. With all of the ancillary repercussions, it is in your best interest to seek out consultation with an experienced New Jersey Traffic Attorney on the law. This consultation may provide your with the best tactics and strategies applicable to defend against your Speeding ticket. The [...]

4 Point Speeding Ticket Reduced to No Points2015-05-29T11:16:18-04:00
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