
Driving While Suspended Ticket Dismissed in Hudson County

N.J.S.A. 39:3-40 Traffic Violation Dismissed at Trial Driving While Suspended Tickets in New Jersey carry the possibility of Jail and the Suspension of your driving privileges (this in addition to the thousands of dollars in fines and Motor Vehicle Commission Surcharges). Moreover, if you are involved in an accident while operating your motor vehicle under a suspended license, you could be facing up to six (6) months in County Jail. Suffice to say, these traffic tickets should not be taken lightly. Prosecutors and Judges across New Jersey are cracking down on Drivers caught with a suspended license in an attempt to curb this type of conduct. No longer are they making exceptions for those of us driving to keep our jobs or those who are forced to drive because of an emergency. You are well-advised to consult with an attorney regarding your traffic matter and inform yourself of how you [...]

Driving While Suspended Ticket Dismissed in Hudson County2015-10-27T10:52:06-04:00

Third N.J.S.A. 39:3-40 Driving While Suspended Ticket Dismissed

New Jersey Driving While Suspended Ticket Driving While Suspended tickets carry some of the most severe fines and penalties of all traffic tickets. If you or someone in you family was pulled over and issued a ticket for Driving While Suspended, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:3-40, you owe it to yourself to become educated in the law. Depending on the circumstances of your suspension, you may have certain Driving While Suspended Defenses available, which could mean the difference between a dismissal of all your charges and a mandatory sentence of jail time as well as thousands of dollars in fines and surcharges. For more information on how an attorney can assist you in defending against your Driving While Suspended ticket, under N.J.S.A. 39:3-40, contact our office at (877) 450-8301. Our attorneys may be reached 24/7 and the initial consultation is always provided free of charge. Driving While Suspended Charges Dismissed Not all [...]

Third N.J.S.A. 39:3-40 Driving While Suspended Ticket Dismissed2015-09-14T15:13:10-04:00

Driving Without Insurance and Driving While Suspended Ticket Dismissed

NJ Driving Without Insurance Ticket N.J.S.A. 39:6B-2 Forgetting to pay your insurance can have serious repercussions. Not only will you be driving around without insurance (and face serious civil liabilities if you are in an accident), but New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission will suspend your Driver's License. If you are subsequently caught operating a motor vehicle, you will be subject to heavy monetary fines, surcharges, mandatory additional license suspension, and, in some cases, mandatory incarceration. If you or someone you love have been stopped and ticketed for Driving Without Insurance, under N.J.S.A. 39:6B-2, or Driving While Suspended, under N.J.S.A. 39:3-40, contact an experienced traffic attorney at (877) 450-8301. Our team of former New Jersey prosecutors are well-equipped to resolve your traffic violation in the most beneficial way possible on your behalf. Our firm may be reached 24/7 for your convenience. Driving Without Insurance and Driving While Suspended Ticket Dismissed Recently, I [...]

Driving Without Insurance and Driving While Suspended Ticket Dismissed2015-09-09T13:06:38-04:00

Driving While Suspended Ticket N.J.S.A. 39:3-40 Reduced

Driving While Suspended Lawyer N.J.S.A. 39:3-40 Driving while your license is suspended or on the revoked list is a serious traffic offense. In addition to over $1,000 in fines and surcharges, you are subject to an additional period of suspension of your driving privileges (on top of your current suspension), as well as mandatory incarceration at the county jail(repeat offenders or Driving While Suspended for a DWI).  With all of these things in mind, it is evident that Driving While Suspended, under N.J.S.A. 39:3-40, requires the expertise of an experience traffic attorney. If you or someone in your family are currently facing a traffic ticket for driving while suspended, contact the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall today. Our legal team of traffic attorneys were once prosecutors themselves. Thus, we have the pedigree necessary to handle your case. To avoid a suspension of your license or jail time, contact us at (877) [...]

Driving While Suspended Ticket N.J.S.A. 39:3-40 Reduced2015-09-03T16:06:41-04:00
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