
Driving While Suspended Ticket Dismissed in Bergen County New Jersey

Suspended License Ticket NJ Were you late to pay a surcharge to New Jersey DMV? Did you miss a court date or fail to pay a parking ticket? In arrears on child support payments? Suspended for a DWI? These are just a few of the most common reasons for one's license to be administratively suspended or suspended due to a court order. For those of us who depend on our license and our ability to drive for work, the thought of not driving for a prolonged period of time is simply unconscionable. Whether you were aware that you were suspended or not, it is imperative that you understand how Driving with a Suspended License, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:3-40, can adversely affect your livelihood.  Penalties for driving on a suspended license include, up to an additional six (6) month suspension, over $1,000 in fines and surcharges, up to 90 days in jail [...]

Driving While Suspended Ticket Dismissed in Bergen County New Jersey2016-02-05T11:13:28-05:00

3rd Driving While Suspended Dismissed to Avoid Mandatory Incarceration in Mercer County

N.J.S.A. 39:3-40 Suspended License Ticket Attorney Were you recently stopped and charged with Driving While Suspended? If you are a New Jersey Motorists facing charges for Operating a Motor Vehicle While Suspended, you are facing some of the most serious penalties available in the traffic law context. Specifically, you are looking at upwards of 90 days in Jail (part of which may be a mandatory minimum), well over $1,000 in fines and surcharges, insurance premium hikes and a six (6) month loss of license (on top of any suspension you may currently be serving). These types of penalties can severely affect your ability to sustain your current employment and care for your dependents. Therefore, it is in your best interest to consult with an attorney about your traffic violations before entering any guilty plea in court. Our team of trial attorneys have a plethora of experience handling these types of matters, as some [...]

3rd Driving While Suspended Dismissed to Avoid Mandatory Incarceration in Mercer County2015-11-24T15:24:11-05:00
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