If you have a previous conviction and are now facing a second driving while suspended charge (a.k.a. second offender), our attorneys are ready to help you. The lawyers at our firm have a proven track history of success in defending second offense cases under N.J.S.A. 39:3-40, including avoidance of the mandatory penalties, fines and jail that come with a conviction. The following are some of the consequences of a second conviction which you should consider.

Fines for a Second Offense Driving While Suspended Ticket

A second offender faces a mandatory fine of $750 if convicted. A court surcharge of $6 and court costs of $33 also apply. The fines are enhanced if the related suspension is the result of a violation of N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 (i.e. driving while intoxicated/dwi) or N.J.S.A. 39:6B-2 (i.e. driving without insurance), resulting in a fine that can range from $1,000-$1,250.

Period of Suspension for a Second Offense Driving While Suspended Ticket

The drivers license suspension for a second offense is between one (day) and six (6) months. It escalates to an additional 12-30 months if the suspension is for a DWI or for operating an uninsured motor vehicle. Additionally, if the second offense occurs within five (5) years of the first offense, then a registration revocation also applies during the period of suspension.

Jail Term that May Be Imposed for a Second Offense Driving While Suspended Ticket

A mandatory jail term of between one (1) and five (5) days must be imposed upon conviction.  If the underlying suspension is for DWI or failure to have insurance, the jail is much worse; an individual must serve 10-90 days.

Other Driving While Suspended Enhancements that May Apply on a Second Offense

When an individual is facing a driving while suspended violation and already has a conviction (i.e. facing a second offense), he or she is exposed to increased jail if a moving violation was committed in conjunction with the 39:3-40 stop. The additional jail term is ten (10) days on top of the number of days that were served on the prior N.J.S.A. 39:3-40 violation.

Hire an Attorney for Your Second Offense Driving While Suspended Ticket

Too many people contact our lawyers when they are already far into the snowball effect of multiple driving while suspended charges. Don’t let yourself fall victim and it probably is very unnecessary. Give us a call anytime at (877) 450-8301 and an attorney on our team will give you the assistance you deserve.